history of

10th International Seminar
on Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation

Brno, Czech Republic, May 22-26, 2006

Adamec PavelIntegrated Circuit Testing GmbH, Heimstetten, Germany
Adler DavidKLA-Tencor, San Jose, USA
Barth JimDelft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Botman AurelienPhilips Research, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Černoch PavelBrno University of Technology, Czech Republic
Delong ArminDelong Instruments, Ltd., Brno, Czech Republic
Dupák LiborInstitute of Scientific Instruments ASCR, Brno, Czech Republic
Eisele AndreasCarl Zeiss NTS GmbH, Oberkochen, Germany
Escher MatthiasFocus GmbH, Hűnstetten, Germany
Frank LuděkInstitute of Scientific Instruments ASCR, Brno, Czech Republic
Haider MaxCEOS GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany
Horák PetrInstitute of Scientific Instruments ASCR, Brno, Czech Republic
Hovorka MilošInstitute of Scientific Instruments ASCR, Brno, Czech Republic
Hozák PavelInstitute of Experimental Medicine ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic
Jacka MarcusYork, United Kingdom
Jánský PavelInstitute of Scientific Instruments ASCR, Brno, Czech Republic
Jirák JosefBrno University of Technology, Czech Republic
Kolařík VladimírDelong Instruments Ltd., Brno, Czech Republic
Khursheed AnjamNational University of Singapore
Lencová BohumilaInstitute of Scientific Instruments ASCR, Brno, Czech Republic
Linhart JanInstitute of Scientific Instruments ASCR, Brno, Czech Republic
Liška IvoIntegrated Circuit Testing GmbH, Heimstetten, Germany
Lopour FilipTescan, Ltd., Brno, Czech Republic
Maňkoš MarianKLA-Tencor, San Jose, USA
Mika FilipInstitute of Scientific Instruments ASCR, Brno, Czech Republic
Merkel MichaelFocus GmbH, Hűnstetten, Germany
Műllerová IlonaInstitute of Scientific Instruments ASCR, Brno, Czech Republic
Munro EricMunro's Electron Beam Software, London, United Kingdom
Neděla VilémInstitute of Scientific Instruments ASCR, Brno, Czech Republic
Novák LiborInstitute of Scientific Instruments ASCR, Brno, Czech Republic
Ott HerwigUniversity of Mainz, Germany
Pokorná ZuzanaInstitute of Scientific Instruments ASCR, Brno, Czech Republic
Preikszas DirkCarl Zeiss NTS GmbH, Oberkochen, Germany
Radlička TomášInstitute of Scientific Instruments ASCR, Brno, Czech Republic
Rose HaraldUniversity of Technology, Darmstadt, Germany
Schauer PetrInstitute of Scientific Instruments ASCR, Brno, Czech Republic
Schönhense GerdUniversity of Mainz, Germany
Schubert StefanCarl Zeiss SMT AG, Oberkochen, Germany
Spehr ReinerUniversity of Technology, Darmstadt, Germany
Špinka JiříBrno Univestity of Technology, Czech Republic
Tachos SpiridonUniversity of Tübingen, Germany
Unčovský MarekFEI Company, Brno, Czech Republic
Vystavěl TomášFEI Company, Brno, Czech Republic
Zadražil MartinTescan, Ltd., Brno, Czech Republic
Van Bruggen MartijnDelft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Wandrol PetrInstitute of Scientific Instruments ASCR, Brno, Czech Republic
Zobač MartinInstitute of Scientific Instruments ASCR, Brno, Czech Republic


Monday May 22

19.00 Welcome party

Tuesday May 23

08.30 Breakfast
09.30 Seminar session
 Electron Optics
 (Barth J., Rose H., Radlička T.)
11.00 Coffee break
11.30 Seminar session
 Computation in Electron Optics
 (Munro E., Lencová B., Jánský P.)
13.00 Lunch
14.30 Seminar session
 Low Energy EM
 (Maňkoš M., Müllerová I., Wandrol P.)
16.00 Coffee break
16.30 Seminar session
 Poster session (oral presentation of posters by authors in the lecture room, up to 10 min. each)
(moderated by Schönhense G. and Frank L.)
19.00 Open-air barbecue

Wednesday May 24

08.30 Breakfast
09.30 Seminar session
 New Approaches
 (Adler D., van Bruggen M.J., Jacka M.)
11.00 Coffee break
11.30 Seminar session
 Advances in SEM Instrumentation
 (Herwig O., Schauer P., Novák L.)
13.00 Lunch
14.15 Departure by bus for the trip with a dinner
21.00 Session with Moravian wine at Skalský Dvůr

Thursday May 25

08.30 Breakfast
09.30 Seminar session
 EM in Biology
 (Delong A., Neděla V.)
11.00 Coffee break
11.30 Seminar session
 (Frank L., Mika F., Hovorka M.)
13.00 Lunch
14.30 Seminar session
 (Schönhense G., Escher M., Khurscheed A.)
16.00 Coffee break
16.30 Evening lecture
 Advances of TEM in Biomedical Research
 (Hozák P.)
18.30 Concert
20.00 Farewell dinner

Friday May 26

08.30 Breakfast
09.30 Departure

Oral presentations:
Adler D.:Unique system
Barth J.:Practical measure for the brightness of electron sources
Delong A.:Low voltage electron microscope for biological objects
Escher M.: An energy analyser for hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
Frank L.:The dopant contrast - a challenge to electron microscopy
Herwig O.:A scanning electron microscope for ultra cold atoms
Hovorka M.:The high-pass energy filtered PEEM imaging of dopants in silicon
Hozák P.:Advances of TEM in biomedical research
Jacka M.:Atom optics versus charged particle optics - a future contender?
Jánský P.:Calculations of thermionic electron gun for micromachining
Khursheed A.:Simulated performance of a time-of-flight electron emission microscope (TOFEEM)
Lencová B.:Programs for electron optical design
Maňkoš M.Electron optics for low energy electron microscopy
Mika F.:Imaging of dopants in semiconductors with the secondary electrons in a low energy SEM
Munro E.:Differential Algebraic Method for Electron Optical Design
Műllerová I.:Cathode Lens Mode in the Scanning Electron Microscope
Neděla V.:Environmental scanning electron microscope AQUASEM II - design and applications
Novák L.:Processing of the signal in Everhart-Thornley detector
Radlička T.: Coulomb interactions in ion and electron beams
Rose H.: Aberration correction in electron microscopy
Schauer P.:Decay kinetics of scintillation crystals for SEM electron detectors
Schönhense G.:Observation of spin waves, optical near fields and surface-plasmon oscillations by time-resolved PEEM
van Bruggen M.:Use of a 'foil corrector' in a multibeam source: correction of off-axis macrolens aberrations
Wandrol P.:Detection of Signal Electrons in the Low Voltage SEM
Botman A.:Purification of platinum and gold structures after electron-beam-induced deposition
Černoch P.:Signal detection with segmental ionization detector
Dupák L.:Electron beam micromachining
Horák P.:Poly [methyl (phenyl) silylene] LED diodes - as seen by cathodoluminescence study
Jirák J.:Scintillation SE Detector for Variable Pressure Microscopes
Khursheed A.:Direct ray tracing of electrons through curved magnetic sector plates
Lencová B.:EOD (Electron Optical Design) Program Features
Pokorná Z.:Methods of direct imaging of the local density of states with electrons
Špinka J.:X-ray microanalysis in environmental conditions

Dr. Ilona Müllerová, Dr. Luděk Frank, Dr. Petr Schauer, Ing. Ivo Konvalina, Mgr. Libor Novák, Mgr. Miloš Hovorka, Mgr. Zuzana Pokorná